So the issue I’m having with my 181 podcasts that I subscribe to is I’m told to delete my ZuneStore.sdf file which I’ve done before & it is a major pain doing that when you have a large number of podcasts that you subscribe to. Well that is all they have to say about the issue I’m having which I do not plan on doing ever again if I can avoid it. They are saying that a future software release will resolve this issue but I’m not going to hold my breath as I enjoy living more than waiting.
I just hope they plan to resolve all the issues that I’ve been having with the new software. I also hope that they release the update soon as it is really annoying that my Internet is being killed. I know I can pause it but I don’t want that I want to be able to tell the software to not abuse my Internet connection as it still like to do.
One last thing I’ve found the marketplace behaves much better if I pause the downloads I guess it is eating up to much bandwidth for the rest of the software to function properly. I say that because I expect the marketplace needs the Internet to function as that’s the only way I can think of that it could work.