For songs the error is “You’ve reached the maximum number of downloads for this item. Error code: C00D135C” which is kind of sad when the solution as I mentioned earlier is to close the Zune software & open it again. The other thing that makes me think that I might be wrong is that three of the four music files I downloaded didn’t give the error, I wonder if this issues requires more troubleshooting then I have done with it.
Now just waiting for one of The Guild videos to download in HD which takes what feels like forever, so I can get the error from a video. I understand HD videos are large so they will take longer to download then the “free” music. (See my last post for more on that.)
Dang it both episodes of The Guild that were released today downloaded without any issues, so I still don’t know what exactly the other error is. I just remember it mentioned something about a firewall, which is funny as the only firewall I have is the hardware firewall in my router.
I’ve found over the years that software firewalls released for consumers are nothing but a headache. I say that because the maker will release an update that will cause all sorts of issues for the end-user, causing them to call technical support of any company other than who made the firewall. I learned early on that those calls needed to be told in no uncertainty that they needed to talk to the company that actually wrote the program that is causing the issue.